How Red Clay Bricks Are Made Step-by-Step Process

Do you want to explore the step-by-step making process of red clay bricks? If yes, then read this blog can explore how red clay bricks are made step-by-step process. In general, bricks play a major role in the process of construction at different levels. It can be used from the thatched roofs to the muti-storeyed buildings very effectively.

At present, in this modern world, there are many technological growth has happened. But still, the process of making bricks is the same, with just minor refinements. It is mainly because bricks are the most essential and oldest construction material that can be used since their cost is low, durable and available all the time. Present burning techniques and refined brick making have improved exceptionally the building's quality to the next level.

You can find the Red Brick Wholesale Supply everywhere and you can get your required amount of bricks from them for your building construction.

What is a red clay brick?

In general, red clay bricks are made using 20 to 30% clay, 50% to 60% sand, 6 to 7% iron oxide, 2 to 5% lime and little amount of magnesia. The bricks get red due to the presence of iron. It can be useful in the construction of government & civil buildings in different regions of the world.

The making process of different types of bricks is almost the same; there is no huge difference. Raw material mixing is the first process that involves mixing the raw material in the right amount with water to create a proper mixture.

After that, during the molding process, the appropriate form of bricks will be made. There are different shapes and designs you can find with the molds. Then, the bricks will be left to dry. Finally, the burning process takes place in the kilns or ovens at around 900 to 1000°C. You can know about this process in detail with the help of Red Brick Supplier.

Step-by-step making process of red clay bricks:

The professional Red Brick Manufacturer will make the clay bricks in large-scale & small-scale businesses and local setups. It is very simple to manufacture the red bricks when you follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1 – Preparing Raw Materials

At first, the manufacturer will process the clay to get the top notch quality of red bricks effectively. Here, the unsoiling process takes place to clear the soil layer from the ground. After that, the digging process takes place to get the finest quality of clay below. After that, the clay will be filtered for stones, lumps and some other impurities. Then, the clay should be mixed with the sand & water to form a consistent mixture free from foreign materials.

  • Topsoil removal
  • Digging & spreading
  • Cleaning
  • Weathering
  • Blending
  • Tempering
Step 2 – Brick Molding

Now, the Red Brick Exporter will feed the mixture into the brick-making machine to begin the molding process. Then the machine will do the proper mix and mold the mixture into a certain size and shape as needed to make the required brick. A certain amount of pressure will be applied for the bricks to have a uniform structure and good quality.

You can find molds of various sizes and shapes to mold the red bricks into the required outcome. When compared to the hand molding process, the machine molding process is very efficient in preserving the brick's uniformity. Generally, brick molding can be done either using a machine or hand.

  • Machine Molding: There are two different types of machine molding: the dry method and the plastic method.
  • Hand Molding: There are two different types of hand molding: table molding and ground molding.
Step 3 – Drying

After completing the molding process, store the bricks to dry using hot gases or under the sun. 2 to 4 days are needed to complete the drying process. Drying is very essential in the brick-making process. It is because, when applying the heat treatment, bricks should never contain water content to avoid deformation & cracks. The bricks that are molded will never be burnt directly since they may get damaged. Hence, it must be left to dry either artificially or naturally. Know Red Bricks Prices India by dealing with the manufacturer.

Step 4 – Brick Burning

When the bricks are molded & dried, then bricks will be burnt in the oven or kilns to impart strength and hardness and increase the brick density. Some chemical & physical changes take place while burning the bricks. There is only certain physical changes take place while heating the brick to around 640°C. Some chemical changes take while the brick is heated up to 700 to 1,000°C. At that time, the materials in the red brick silica & alumina will fuse to make the brick to be strong. Finally, it will prevent the brick from crumbling and cracking.